You'll notice at times I'll post a model's full name and at times I won't.
If a model wants their full name listed I do so. If not or if for whatever reason I can't reach them before I post I just leave the first name.
Brett is one model I couldn't reach as he is off in the military.
Which is a shame because I would love to work with him again.
I think what I like the most about Brett is how angry he can look in a shot. It may sound strange but I love it when a model looks like he or she won't take any shit off of anyone. In future shots you'll see him break out into huge grins which shows what a nice guy he really is.
Well, he was a nice guy to me. I can only assume that's how he acts with most people. =]
This location is one I've recently revisited for shots. I'm a big fan of it so I guess I need to stop shooting there.
This shoot also has one of my favorite shots I've taken - that being the one where his eyes are closed. I don't know why. But it works for me.
Also, a couple of these shots were originally seen on